

Cat Scan Results Are In...

Natalies CT scan pretty much confirmed Dr Penes ridge theory. Natalie has a few places where he skull has grown too rapidly together in the wrong place and has created "ridges" that could be very harmful to her if the bone begins to press down onto her brain. It doesn't at all explain what is causing her delay so, its yet another thing to add to our growing list of issues our poor Natalie is going to have to endure... We have to make her an appointment to see a neurosurgeon in case surgery is necessary. if so then a few pieces of her skull will be taken out to allow for the rest of the skull to eventually grow properly and proportionately.

Dr Pene says that not having a specific diagnosis of whats holding her back is actually a good thing. If we never figure it out then the chances of her learning quicker, and slowly overcoming whatever wall is holding her back, are greater. Which is really good news.

So, I guess today was a bitter sweet kinda day. On the upside, Natalie may not have anything wrong with her other than shes just a very slow learner with maybe some muscle tightness. But, on the down side... She may have to have surgery on her skull.

Its amazing how at the same time I have never been this terrified and yet so happy at the same time. Natalie really is the best part of my amazing life & if surgery is going to make that even better and keep my baby healthy then I say, bring it on!! Shes a tough girl! After all, she is her mothers daughter :)

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